The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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333 lines
CROSSpro (v3.0) by JJO Software
January 1991
CROSSpro (formerly XWord) is a fast, flexible, and compact
menu-driven crossword puzzle construction tool for the IBM PC and
compatibles. While easy to use, it is intended for serious
crossword puzzle creators (cruciverbalists). CROSSpro may be used
with Turbo Lightning. ShoPRN, a handy print utility, is included
for user convenience.
CROSSpro v3.0 retains file compatibility with previous versions;
but, has these major improvements:
1) The numbered puzzle blank, answer sheet, and clues list may
now be output to a print file as well as directly to the printer.
The print files may be edited with any text editor.
2) The main menu has been revamped to directly allow either
preview or output of any and all of the aforementioned puzzle
materials. In the preview mode the display shows exactly what
will be output (WYSIWYG).
3) Basic printer support is now for a default (draft) mode which
is non-printer-specific. You manually set your printer for best
4) Registered owners will have drivers for HP LaserJet II and IBM
Pro printers, and compatibles. These drivers will provide full
grid printing for puzzle blanks using the IBM "text" graphic
5) Your settings are saved at the end of each session so that
they can be automatically restored the next time that you use
6) Full-color pop-up menus have been implemented for improved
aesthetics and user convenience.
1. A define function permits entry of puzzle title and size, from
13x13 to 23x23 (NY Times Sunday). The title may be up to 40
characters in length.
2. By means of the cursor, words may be placed in any order and
in any location of the puzzle grid; and, cursor speed is
3. Words may be rubbed out (erased) from any location; but, they
are saved to a "move" list and can be recovered and placed in
another location.
4. The word lists "across," "down" and "move" and clues may be
viewed at any time; and output to a file or directly to a
printer. Up to 300 words (all three types) may be saved for each
5. Clues need not be entered at the time words are entered into
the puzzle grid; they may be entered and edited whenever it is
convenient to do so. Clues may be up to 63 characters in length.
6. A complete set of printed materials is produced: puzzle blank,
list of clues and puzzle solution. Word numbers are automatically
computed and inserted.
7. All puzzle information, including the "move" list, is saved to
a file. Puzzle size is set and words entered automatically when a
puzzle file file is loaded.
8. For safety and ease of use, functions are interlocked to
prevent inadvertent loss of work. In addition, you are beeped
when you've attempted an illegal operation.
9. A shadow function makes it easier for puzzle constructors to
observe the symmetry rules imposed by publishers such as the New
York Times. The shadow marks those blanks which must be filled for
conformance with either the lateral or diagonal symmetry rules. A
"+" is used for the mark where "-" is used as the unmarked/unused
blank placeholder.
10. A color on/off switch is provided to permit the user to
choose the setting for best viewing. In addition, the
brightness/color of words on the puzzle grid is settable.
System: Any member of the IBM PC or PS/2 family, or compatibles,
with DOS 2.1, or later; and at least one diskette drive.
Memory: At least 80 kilobytes over and above DOS and any resident
Video: Does not require graphics and has been run with VGA, EGA,
mono, and CGA adapters. A main menu command permits
color/mono toggling for the best display.
Printer: For printing in draft mode (default), any printer can be
used. Drivers are available to support printing of
professional-quality puzzle grids for IBM Pro and HP
LaserJet II printers and compatibles (see Outputs).
This release consists of the following files:
GO.Bat - displays this file.
Xpro3.Exe - the CROSSpro v3.0 program file. Type XPRO3 to run.
ShoPrn.Exe (v1.0) - a print utility for unformatted text files.
Type SHOPRN ? for information (also see below).
Xpro3.Txt - this file - is an unformatted text file. It can be
viewed from within the program or by typing MORE < Xpro3.Txt, if
DOS More.Com is in the current path. To print this file, type
SHOPRN Xpro3.Txt, if ShoPrn.Exe is in the current path.
*.Xwd - sample CROSSpro puzzle files.
*.Prn - sample CROSSpro print files for IBM ProPrinters and HP
LaserJet II printers. These files are printed on the appropriate
device by typing the DOS command: TYPE <filespec> > PRN. Be sure
that the printer is set to top of form and to letter quality, if
■ Main Menu
The program and text files, along with any work or sample files,
should be in the current (logged) directory. To run CROSSpro, at
the system prompt type XPRO3. When the logo screen appears, press
any key to invoke CROSSpro's main menu. CROSSpro is not case
sensitive, so all entries may be in upper or lower case as
preferred. Commands are available on the main menu only when their
execution is appropriate. They are selected by typing the initial
highlighted letters, as follows:
C)lues: View, add or edit clues for words already entered into
the current puzzle grid. You may enter or replace clues, or
simply scroll through the word lists.
D)efine a new puzzle, i.e., title and size. You will be warned
that your current work will be lost unless you save it.
E)dit places the current puzzle grid on the screen and invokes
the editor; permitting words to be entered or rubbed out, in any
order and in any location (see CROSSpro Editor).
L)oad a puzzle file from disk. A definition record in the
file permits the puzzle to be automatically sized and titled.
NOTE: Puzzle files are not text (ASCII) files.
M)ake printer and print format selection for output.
N)ame or rename the current puzzle.
P)review or print/file (optional) the current puzzle blank,
solution (completed puzzle), and numbered list of clues. Use M)ake
to choose the printer before using this function.
S)ave current puzzle file to disk; i.e., its definition record and
three word lists (across, down and move) are saved. This function
is only available after the current puzzle has been modified by
the C)lues, E)dit, or N)ame functions and until it has been saved.
T)oggle color on/off for best effect.
V)iew this file and, if necessary, set its path. This file must
have the .Txt file extension. When prompted you enter the path and
file name, without extension.
W)ord: view|print (optional) the current word lists, across,
down, and move.
X): quit; you will be cautioned if changes to the current
puzzle have not been saved. You are given two chances to abort and
save your work.
■ CROSSpro Editor
Invoked from the main menu via "E," the editor is the CROSSpro
engine. Upon entry to the editor, the current puzzle contents, if
any, are displayed. The active keys are:
Cursor: Four (4) arrow keys used to position the cursor on the
puzzle grin.
Rate: The numeric keys (1..8) may be used at any time to set
cursor speed (advance). When set greater than 1, you may not be
able to reach the edges of the grid.
Insert: The "+" key is used to insert a word at the current
location. You will be prompted to: (1) specify the direction
(across or down) with the arrow keys and (2) enter the word.
Rubout: The "-" key is used to remove a word from the grid to
the move list. You will be prompted for direction, only.
Move: The "*" key is used to insert a word from the move list at
the current cursor position. You will be prompted for direction.
The move list is then displayed for selection of the word to be
placed on the grid.
NOTE: During insert, rubout and move, the function may be
aborted via the <Esc> key or by entering an empty word.
Exit: Use <Enter> alone to leave the editor and return to the
main menu.
The editor performs pre-checking that words will fit within the
grid if inserted at the prescribed location and direction. If
they will not fit, you are beeped and that entry is aborted.
■ Shadow and Brightness Features
The shadow feature makes it easier for puzzle constructors to
observe the symmetry rules imposed by publishers such as the New
York Times. The shadow, in effect, highlights or marks those
blanks which must be filled for conformance with the rules. In
addition, the brightness/color of words on the puzzle grid is
Select the editor from the "main" menu by choosing "E" at the
prompt. When using the editor with systems with separate cursor
and numeric keypads, use the <NumLock> key to set the keypad to
the numeric-only (non-cursor) state. All non-cursor editor
selections can then be made from the numeric keypad.
Three new commands "/," "9," and "0" have been added to the
editor selections. Use the "/" key to toggle the
brightness/color of the words on the puzzle grid. Use the "9" and
"0" keys to toggle the shadow functions on/off; "9" for lateral
symmetry and "0" for diagonal symmetry. When toggled on, shadow
causes insertion of a "+" into those unused (blank) locations
which require entries for symmetry compliance. When toggled off,
all "+" symbols are removed. Both command22s have immediate effect
and override each other.
■ CROSSpro Outputs
The outputs from CROSSpro are the puzzle file itself, the puzzle
materials (numbered blanks and clue list), and the working word
lists (across, down, and move). Other than the non-ASCII puzzle
file, the other outputs may be sent to a print file, directly to
a printer, or both. Since these files are text files, you may
modify them using any text editor or word processor.
For printing in draft mode (default), any printer can be used --
you manually set it for best results (compressed type at 8 lines
per inch is recommended). Registered owners can create print files
for or directly drive an IBM ProPrinter (dot matrix) or an HP
LaserJet II which is set for the IBM text graphics character font.
These drivers automate the printing of professional-quality puzzle
grid outputs. Most recent low-price printers (Epson, Star, and
Panasonic, for example) have a switch so that you can select
either the Epson or the IBM character set. Set the switch to IBM
mode. Some sample printer files are included for you to test your
printer's compatibility.
It is critical that you save the current puzzle before quitting
CROSSpro; and, if you haven't, you will be prompted to do so. If
you use the default puzzle file extension of .Xwd, it need not be
entered. This saves a few keystrokes and promotes file extension
standardization. The other files are created as needed from the
current puzzle in memory. They may be given any file name and
extension. However, an extension of .Prn is recommended.
During a CROSSpro session your current settings, including the
puzzle file if saved previously, are maintained in a master
record. This master record is saved within the program file when
you quit, if the file is still accessible on disk, else not.
CROSSpro uses this record to set up the program exactly as it was
when you last quit; i.e., the file you were working on will be
loaded into memory for you, if it is still available where you
last had it.
■ Turbo Lightning
CROSSpro may be used in conjunction with the Turbo Lightning
spell checker. To do so, install Lightning first and then run
CROSSpro. Within CROSSpro, you can toggle spell checking on/off
via <Alt+F5>. All Lightning functions should be accessible - see
the Lightning manual.
V1.3: Initial XWord release, 15x15 to 23x23 puzzles, mono
monitor support only.
V1.6: Same as above, plus bug fixes and support for both
color and mono monitors.
V1.7: Cosmetic and speedup changes, plus size down to 13x13.
V2.0: Renamed to CROSSpro and added the symmetry shadow and
color selection features.
V3.0 This version (XPro3.Exe), released January 1991.
Communications from CROSSpro users and potential users will be
accepted and answered by mail or via CompuServe (73407, 550).
Since CROSSpro is shareware, not free software, regular users are
obligated to register. Registrants receive full technical support,
drivers for the IBM Pro and HP LaserJet II printers, and the next
upgrade free. The shareware registration notice is also expunged
from their copy of the program. To register, send a $25 US check
or money order to:
JJO Software
174 Westover Court
Delran, NJ 08075, USA